Tag Archives: Abortion

How Did This Little Tidbit So Easily Slip Under the Radar?

Right after taking office, on January 24th, 2014 Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed Dr. Marissa Levine as interim Health Commissioner.

Nobody pays attention to such appointments, for the most part, but it turns out that “Marissa” used to be known as “Mark” because she used to be a dude.

Richmond Times Dispatch slipped that into the third paragraph of that announcement.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe has tapped Dr. Marissa Levine as interim health commissioner.

Levine, who has been serving as a deputy commissioner, will lead the Virginia Department of Health, a vast agency with reach across the state.

Before taking a job with the state, she served as Henrico County’s health director and was known as Dr. Mark Levine. She declined to comment on her appointment and its significance.

I know that the Democrat party is a collection of freaks, malcontents and shake down artists.  But I’m surprised that everyone, including myself, completely didn’t know about this.  And the media successfully buried it.

Do Virginians know that their Health Commissioner is a transgender?  I don’t believe they do.  I sure didn’t until someone pointed it out to me today.

Mark-Marissa’s first move as Health Commissioner was to strip away the commonsense safety restrictions that the General Assembly and the former Governor put in place to make the abortion industry.comply with minimal cleanliness and other safety standards, commonplace amongst dentistry and other clinics.

Virginia is officially being run by those who should be mental patients.

I simply didn’t know about this.  Did you?


Posted by on October 25, 2014 in Abortion


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American Mengele – Death, Outrage, and Kermit Gosnell

The mass shootings at Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary School drove liberals, the media, and the anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment brigade into an all out frenzy to ban any and all weapons for the sake of the safety of the children. It’s always for the children isn’t it?

So where are those same liberals, media, and anti-2nd Amendment brigade when it comes to the thousands of murders committed by our own Joseph Mengele? What about THOSE children? Let’s not mince words here, many of these children were born alive, healthy, and viable and Gosnell or a member of his untrained staff jammed a pair of surgical scissors into the back of their neck and severed their spinal cord.

You don’t have to take my word for it, all the sickening details can be found in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s report to the Grand Jury. Page 99 of the report begins the details the intentional killing of viable babies substantiated with testimony from clinic employees who were directly involved with the slaughter. Be warned, the report and photos are graphic and disturbing beyond belief. Not much disturbs me anymore; this report nearly made me vomit and did bring me to tears.

Despite numerous allegations of wrong-doing, the Pennsylvania Department of Health failed repeatedly to respond or investigate any charges made post 1993; Gosnell was free to butcher women and infants without fear of reprisal. Why did the state refuse to investigate these charges? Why despite reports of wrong doing did the state regulators not only not respond to reports, why didn’t they even perform inspections of any kind on Gosnell’s clinic after the inspection in 1993? reported:

Gosnell’s clinic was reinspected in 1989, 1992, and 1993. Each time, deficiencies were found, including no nurses overseeing the recovery room, missing lab work, no obstetrician-gynecologist on staff, and out-of-date medication. Yet each time, state evaluators reapproved the clinic without requiring or verifying corrective actions.

In early 2002, in response to an inquiry by a lawyer suing Gosnell for malpractice in the death of a patient, a state Health Department official said the agency had received no complaints against the doctor. In fact, it had received four complaints.

In 2007, the Delaware County Medical Examiner’s Office autopsied a stillborn baby, delivered by Gosnell at 30 weeks. The coroner alerted the state Health Department’s top attorney about the potential violation of the abortion control law. It bans abortions after 24 weeks unless the woman’s life is at risk, among other conditions. Instead of investigating, the agency’s attorney said, neither the Health Department nor the medical licensing board had any authority over the matter.

State health officials did not investigate even after learning of the November 2009 death of Karnamaya Mongar, who developed a fatal heart arrhythmia after being overdosed on anesthetics at Gosnell’s clinic, according to the jury’s report.

The Department of State’s Board of Medicine, which licenses medical professionals, also turned blind eyes, the report says. For example, it took no action nine years ago when a former Gosnell employee reported the illegal practice that years later led to Mongar’s death: Unlicensed, barely trained workers were anesthetizing patients before he arrived at the clinic.

Board attorneys also “disregarded notices that numerous patients . . . were hospitalized . . . with fetal remains still inside; and with perforated uteruses, cervixes, and bowels.”

Kirsten Powers, resident liberal at Fox News has even questioned the lefts’ absolute silence on Gosnell’s house of horrors, but Kirsten shouldn’t be surprised – they care about the children only when the children are convenient for their narrative. Murdering well over fifty thousand predominately black and brown babies passes muster because abortion is legal and all abortion including late-term abortions are perfectly acceptable according to President Barack Hussein Obama and his followers. Remember, he would never want one of his daughters “punished with a baby”. Interesting choice of words from a literal bastard, but I digress.

The children murdered by Gosnell and his staff were not merely zygotes without form, these were fully formed INFANTS – babies that could have just as easily been swaddled in pink or blue blankets and sent home with a full life ahead of them.

I admit that I have, in the past, been a pro-choice advocate, and even though I have been pro-life for several years, I still held the belief that abortion was acceptable in certain cases. The grand jury report and the photos changed that. Whether inside or outside of the womb, it is murder. If you still feel it is acceptable, you didn’t read the report and you refused to look at the pictures.

Please visit for a short documentary film about Gosnell’s atrocities as well as additional information regarding the case. Also visit where you can view the film detailing the truth behind Margaret Sanger’s vision for black genocide in America via Planned Parenthood. Isn’t it ironic that the very demographic intended to be eradicated by genocide is the very demographic that most strongly supports the very organization put into place to bring about their demise?

I submit that the simultaneous viewing of Maafa21 followed immediately by 3801 Lancaster and a full review of the grand jury report will move any pro-life/pro-abortion fence-sitter fully into the pro-life camp and if it doesn’t, well, as we all have witnessed too many times, those without souls do dwell among us.


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Psssst, Romney Detractors…Part 3 – To the Feminists and Pro-Choicers

The Democrats are playing you for fools. With the selection of Sandra Fluke as a key speaker at the Democratic Convention next week they have declared that women can be bought with free contraceptives and the right to kill unborn babies at will. For those who missed the introduction of Sandra Fluke as this century’s Susan B. Anthony, she is a college student who thinks the American taxpayer should be responsible for paying for HER birth control so that she can sleep with as many men as she chooses without the risk of bearing a child. Considering that we are ALL better off if Ms. Fluke and those like her do not procreate, I may have to rethink my stand on this issue.

No one is trying to outlaw contraceptives, not even Mitt Romney. What we don’t want is for taxpayers to pay for someone’s personal choices. It is not my responsibility to pay for Ms. Fluke’s birth conrol or abortions. Perhaps Ms. Fluke should think about personal responsibility as opposed to government entitlements.  What next, must we be forced to pay for her food and drink too? Using her logic, she’s entitled to eat whenever she wants to so it only makes sense that in her world that we should have to feed her too. But why stop there?  Free food for everyone! Oh, wait, thanks to Obama and SNAP, we are well on our way.

Planned Parenthood has spent millions of dollars to ensure that their campaign of propaganda continues and they give the Democrats millions of dollars to keep the abortion industry going in full force . I’m not sure if it is a conscience decision to ignore the history of Planned Parenthood or a genuine ignorance, but here it is folks, PP was started by known eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

— Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255

Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts.

Eugenics drove the legalization of abortion. Margaret Sanger, like Adolph Hitler, believed in a master race and the method to that was not only abortion, it was infanticide, primarily of those she perceived to be the underclass. How ironic that some of those most staunchly supportive of Planned Parenthood as a community imperative are Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. How ironic that the Democrats who claim to be the “party of the little people” have perpetuated and supported Planned Parenthood clinics in our most impoverished neighborhoods.

I know far too many women who have allowed themselves to become single issue voters and that issue is abortion. They (the Democrats) are fully aware that through fear and intimidation they have created a block of voters that they can count on to ignore all other issues including the economy, education, energy independence, and national security just so that they have the right to a procedure that most of them would never dream of having.  Their upcoming Convention line-up is proof positive of just how stupid they think you are. Now who’s the purveyor of the “war on women”?



Posted by on August 31, 2012 in politics


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