Category Archives: Newt Gingrich

Gingrich speaks of his Presidential bid in the past tense and Planks for the party platform

On Fox News Sunday this morning, when pressed by Brit Hume about his future, Newt Gingrich spoke more of having influence over the party platform rather than his continuing presidential aspirations, admitting that he’s not only out of money, but is in deep debt.

In terms of his bid he said, “I’m glad I did this.”, past tense, which is pretty much an admission of the reality that most of us have recognized for some time now.

I think there is a big reality sandwich over at Santorum land as well, although I expect he’ll stick it out until after Pennsylvania.

Of the party platform, Gingrich thinks that the number one plank should be about energy independence.  He stated that no future president should bow before the Saudi king in order to get assurances of future oil supply.

Another plank that Gingrich promoted, and that I fully agree with, is that the overabundance of Federally owned lands should be sold and the proceeds should go directly toward the principle on the national debt, not into the general fund for Congress to fritter away.

Although it is fitting and necessary that the government should own ample land for military facilities, testing grounds, national parks and research facilities, the government owns too much damned land, particularly in the western states. 

This map is from 1997, but the Federal government have been gobbling up even more land since this map was published.

Although the government owns 30% of all American land, it owns 87% of Nevada, 69% of Alaska, and 57% of Utah, for example. This is unnecessary and is indicative of the Federal government’s power grab. Land ownership is power and land ownership is all about an all powerful central government imposing itself far from the capital in DC.

There is a movement by the western states to get their land back from the leviathan and although there is opposition by the usual environmental marxists, the movement appears to be gaining momentum.

“We know firsthand what it means to have limited access to and control over our natural resources. It is interfering with our Western way of life,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, a Republican who was part of the 1980s takeover attempt and who endorsed the latest proposal earlier this month.

With the support of then-President Ronald Reagan, the 1980s effort, born in Nevada, led to some changes in land management. But the larger movement fizzled, in part because it lost support of many land users, including ranchers and miners, who feared the loss of federal subsidies for grazing rights and mining royalties.

This time, the movement originated in Utah as an avenue to evict the federal government and raise money for schools, and it has advanced furthest there.

“We can’t wait any longer,” said Utah Rep. Ken Ivory, a Republican. “We value these open lands and open spaces, but certainly we’re able to manage the multiple use for a sustained yield of natural resources. Utah will show the nation what it means to be self-reliant.”

Perhaps it’s time that we, the people, communicate to Romney urging him to incorporate these two planks.


Ted Nugent: There’s a Monster in the White House

Ted Nugent doesn’t mince words.  He’s very direct and extremely funny, too boot..  If only our Republican contenders took his advice and went to the Army surplus store to buy a box of scrotums.  OK.  That’s probably not how I would phrase it.

Listen to this excerpt of the Nuge field dressing Obama, his administration, and the Republican field.

Update:  I had another thought on the rotten apples portion of the video and have replaced it with even more rotten fruit.  It’s called artistic license.

Go here to listen to the entire interview with Phoenix, AZ talker Mike Broomhead from KFYI.   The interview covers a range of topics including his love of hunting, his personal brand of ammunition soon to come to market, his upcoming tour and more.


Attention Mitt and Rick: This is how it’s done

I saw this exchange between Newt and David Gregory on “Meet the Press” this morning and this is how the Republicans need to handle the biased left wing media if they are to win in November.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Republican Debate: Newt Offers Best Response of the Night

We all knew that the left would hammer on the issue of contraception and abortion in last night’s debate going into it, and the crowd reacted with disdain when the topic came up, but Newt Gingrich simply put the head butt on John King, the CNN moderator, with his response. He also delivered a body blow to the President. It was last night’s Ultimate Fight Club moment.

Who is the extremist in this race? Well played, Mr. Gingrich. Well played, indeed.