Category Archives: Islamism

Islam, The Religion of Peace?

Radical Islam has shown us time and time again that Muslims have a long-established history of savagery and American Muslims are no exception. One only need to view this video to see it for themself. It’s disturbing and disgusting. Yes, it is long, but is important to see hundreds of riotous and savage Muslim children and teenagers (American citizens) pelt Christians with everything from bottles to eggs to milk crates to concrete while the Dearborn MI Sheriff’s Department does absolutely nothing – the video even shows police turning a blind eye to the chaos. One of the most disturbing moments in the video is when a little girl, probably no more than seven or eight years old, eyes filled with hatred, shouts at the Christians. She has been taught to hate, yet we are the racists. These people have been taught to stone anyone who does not agree with their beliefs, yet we are the intolerant ones.

The cameraman notes, very astutely, that the police are rewarding the riotous behavior that is perpetrated by these thugs. If they’d had time, the group probably would have rustled up a homicide bomber to finish off the Christians. I mean, what’s one sacrifice for the cause? This is what happens when Muslims are allowed to take over a city. I wonder why this wasn’t shown on TLC’s All American Muslim show which lasted for about four episodes before it disappeared without a whisper. Now if they could only make the rest of this ilk disappear.

Before someone jumps on their high horse about Islam being a religion of peace, let me ask you – is it a religion of peace when a group of Islamic militants strap a bomb vest on a five-year old boy and then send him over to the very group of American and British soldiers who had “adopted” him as a little brother over the previous months. To the terrorist thugs, this child was completey expendable. The troops had treated this child like he was a member of their own family in every way. I know the officer who is haunted to this day because he dared not make one of those soldiers take down that child before the Jihadists detonated the bomb that was attached to him. He had no choice, too many NATO troops would have died. Yes, this is the religion of peace and we are bigots for protesting their systematic takeover of the United States of America.

For full details of what happened  at the Arab Festival event in Dearborn, go to

Hat tip to our friends at


Posted by on June 27, 2012 in Amnesty, Barack Obama, Islamism, politics


Associated Press: Purveyors of Journalistic Malpractice

I was driving into town today and the radio broke in for the 4pm news from AP Radio Network.   There was this and that, about the G20 and nothing much of note until they said this:

An Army Psychiarist was denied admittance to his military tribunal because of his beard.

That was it.  End of story.

I may not have the exact phraseology exactly right but it was that abrupt and without further elaboration.  

Associated Press spent one word per slain soldier that Islamic terrorist Major Nidal Hassan  murdered at Fort Hood.  Plus one extra word for the 29 others he wounded that day. There was absolutely no explanation about what the trial was about.

Not one word about the carnage this muslim bastard unleashed on his Army comrades.  Not one word about his extremism.  Not one word about how this man has lived the high life as an American citizen, a citizen only because America let his parents immigrate from Palestine, a hell hole that should cause most people to thank their lucky stars to have escaped from.

No.  The way the AP cast it, it almost sounded like poor Nidal Hassan was being denied his rights in court because of a silly beard….or something.  It’s simply a procedural matter, you see.

The Associated Press is guilty of journalistic malpractice and gross insensitivity to the victims.  The Associated Press is also guilty of violating their constitutional duty, as supposed journalists, to inform the public.

Update:  I have sadly been informed that one of the deceased was pregnant.  So Hassan did kill 14 people. 

I missed that in any AP account.

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Posted by on June 19, 2012 in Islamism