Category Archives: Catholic Church

Mark Steyn on Flukemania

The always insightful and hilarious Mark Steyn finally weighs in on the charade surrounding the 30 year old child, Sandra Fluke’s perfectly sensible demand that we pay for her contraception and that a Catholic institution should be forced to violate its religious principles in order to accommodate her. That president Obama and the Democrats gleefully used this useful idiot to advance their big government desires granting the plebes protection for their sexual romps while stealing liberty with the other hand is not really surprising.

Bread and Circus. And Condoms.

Fantastic artwork from iMaksim. Click on the image to embiggen it.

All of us are born with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and a lifetime supply of premium ribbed silky-smooth ultrasensitive spermicidal lubricant condoms. No taxation without rubberization, as the Minutemen said. The shot heard round the world, and all that.

He’ll be filling in for Rush on Monday, so if you don’t want to go read the whole thing, I’m sure a portion of it will be covered then.

Aside from the sheer ridiculousness of the phoney congressional hearing, and aside from the moral implications, and aside from a government imposing tyrannical dictates on the people, the issue Steyn focuses on is whether this debtor nation can afford to do what Obama and the Democrats want to do.

Should we borrow money from China to pay for Sandra Fluke’s rampant promiscuity?


Attention Mitt and Rick: This is how it’s done

I saw this exchange between Newt and David Gregory on “Meet the Press” this morning and this is how the Republicans need to handle the biased left wing media if they are to win in November.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Republican Debate: Newt Offers Best Response of the Night

We all knew that the left would hammer on the issue of contraception and abortion in last night’s debate going into it, and the crowd reacted with disdain when the topic came up, but Newt Gingrich simply put the head butt on John King, the CNN moderator, with his response. He also delivered a body blow to the President. It was last night’s Ultimate Fight Club moment.

Who is the extremist in this race? Well played, Mr. Gingrich. Well played, indeed.


Obama compared to a Monarch

Recently former Attorney General Ed Meese says the Obama administration’s “disdain for Congress” and its efforts to consolidate power within the executive branch through the use of “czars” makes it “as close to a monarchy as since the days of George III.” However, as Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli pointed out on 9/12/2010 King George the 3rd and the Parliament of Britain that we rebelled against, respected the liberty of the colonists of America more than the Congress and the President of the United States of America.

And on a lighter note covering the same heavy subject, The BHO Show channel on YouTube has posted this Henry the Eighth song parody.