Category Archives: Jim Webb

Obama Walking the Plank of His Own Making. Fellow Democrats Sawing Plank.

Schadenfreude.  It’s what’s for dinner.

Democrats are running away from Obamacare, which will likely be ruled unconstitutional in June.

Sen. Jim Webb said the law would be Obama’s “biggest downside” in the election and had cost him “a lot of credibility as a leader.”

Some of us were at your office, providing such advice to this affect during the run up to this vote, Jimmy.  I saw you walking down the hallway towards your office and once you saw us gathered outside your office you ran from us.  We were there and we were ignored.  Now you hike up your skirt and run away from a re-election bid because you know you screwed up big time.

No worries though, mate.  We’ll release the same fury against your replacement candidate, Timmy Kaine, that we would have on you.  Timmy is a big Obama guy.  Big Obama guys don’t do so well with the electorate since 2008.

And then there’s this from former Congressman Artur Davis from Alabama.

“I think the Affordable Care Act is the single least popular piece of major domestic legislation in the last 70 years,” he said. “It was not popular when it passed; it’s less popular now.”

And now Democrats are running away from President Obama’s blockage of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Funny how constituent feedback about the pain at the pump brings new wisdom to even the most radically green Democrats.

Sharks are swirling below the plank.  Sharks of Obama’s own creation.  Shutting down and restricting coal fired power plants isn’t going to help, either.  When electricity rates ‘necessarily skyrocket’ (your words, not mine) going into the cooling season, this will add more pressure.  Coal fired power plants are shutting down because of Obama.

When GSA employees lavishly waste taxpayer money and flaunt it on You Tube, that doesn’t help either. 

When Obama uses the Justice Department to promote illegal gun running resulting in the deaths of American border and ICE agents and this Justice Department turns a blind eye to voter intimidation perpetrated by the Black Panthers while harassing states over voter ID laws and immigration enforcement laws, that doesn’t help either.

When Obama racks up $5 Trillion in debt in 3 years, tosses our money at pet projects that are massive failures like Solyndra, LightSquared, and others, that doesn’t help either.

When Obama takes an unprecedented number of vacations while the ranks of the unemployed moved from gainful employment and self esteem onto demeaning government dependency, well that don’t much help, either.

You know what, Champ?  You’re doomed.  If your cratering poll numbers don’t advise you, then your own party distancing themselves from you certainly does.

America’s got a big party planned for November 6th. 

You’re not invited.



Tiger Wood’s 924 Day PGA Tournament Drought Over. U. S. Citizen’s 1082 Day Drought without a National Budget? Not so much

Today marks the first day since Tiger Wood’s world came unravelled in scandal and shame that he’s won a PGA Tour event. He just won the Arnold Palmer Invitational.

That’s his first PGA Tour victory since September 13, 2009.
It was 157 days before Tiger’s last victory that the the Democratically controlled United States Senate, also riddled with scandal and shame, passed a budget. April 9, 2009.
Congratulations to Tiger and shame on the Democrats.


A Response to Tim Kaine’s Bumpersticker

Failed former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine’s Senate campaign has ripped off of Ken Cuccinelli’s KC4AG bumpersticker from 2009, when Ken was running for Attorney General.

This miserable former head of the Democrat National Committee, a man responsible for inflicting the scourge that is Barack Obama on the nation, the man who has publicly celebrated the reviled Obamacare, the man who wishes to fill the shoes of another miserable failure, Senator Jim Webb, a phony of the highest order, has offered up this as his bumpersticker.

This is my response.

Maybe I should go into production with this.


Democrats Gone Wild: Part 14 Trillion….. and counting

Congressman Allen West’s office receives a little love letter with a supicious white powder in it. Not anthrax. Probably just Johnson & Johnson’s powder from the writer’s diaper. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Senator Chuck Schumer’s head is exploding over his dwindling power and is lashing out as well, calling the Tea Party contingent of the House of Represenatatives FLEAS.

It sucks to be Chuck

When either party goes to the extreme they don’t do the right thing,” said Schumer. “My experience is they lose politically, but much more importantly they do what is wrong for the country substantively.”

Yes, Chuck. That’s how we got Obamacare and that’s why you Democrats got your asses handed to you.
That was a brilliant observation. Thanks for the money quote. That will be of good use in the future.

Oh and Chuck, I AM a FLEA and I’ve got bubonic plague and I’m all over your ass.

Update: Make that 14 Trillion and ONE.
Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia goes ape shit on a disabled veteran in a Town Hall asking why he was not in Congress while the impending government shutdown is imminent and the man is concerned about getting paid.

Moran’s caring response of “Sit down or Leave” comes at about 4:10, after the veteran took umbrage at the Congressman characterizing his comments as “caustic”. The Democrats desire to maintain the high ground, accusing Republicans for the Government shutdown, keeps proving to be tenuous and they continue to provide volumes of campaign fodder at an impressive rate.

Keep giving them the microphone.


Will Tim Kaine leave the comfort of the DNC Cuckoo’s Nest?

The conventional wisdom up until this point led everyone to believe that the ineffectual destructive former Governor of Virginia and present Chairman of the Democratic National Committee was the natural choice to run in the place of the One and Done Senator Jim Webb’s seat.

But Timmy Kaine has been playing it cool and the anticipated announcement hasn’t come, to the surprise of many.

Is he having too much fun in the nut house?

Is he fearful of running against Republicans George Allen or Jamie Radtke who are embroiled in a primary struggle of their own? Is he playing hard to get with his party? Does he not want to give up ‘Medication Time’?

Well, this is interesting.

Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder, the nation’s second black Governor, is saying NOT SO FAST on the coronation of Dim Kaine. In Wilder’s assessment, Congressman Bobby Scott would be a great choice as a United States Senator.

Bobby Scott and some other guy and some other women

“I think you’ve got to understand what makes up a Democratic primary,” he said. “And Congressman Scott should not be taken for granted nor should that base of vote.”

Wilder isn’t bashful about throwing down the race card in a threatening way there, is he?

I can’t agree with Wilder that Scott would be a good Senator, but he’d be an ideal candidate for either of the Republicans. In 2009 Scott enjoyed an American Conservative Union rating of 4 out of 100. 2010 was much worse, where he garnered a Zero rating.

Both men are dyed-in-the-wool liberal statists, without question. The only real difference between them is the amount of melanin in their skin, from what I can see.

It’s apparently the only thing that Doug Wilder can see.

Just when I thought this race would be boring.

Update: Thanks to Bryan Preston at the PJ Tatler for the link ‘Tim Kaine for Senate…?’


Senator Jim Webb: Champion of Small Business

Just received a robo-email from my underachieving Senator in which he crowed about voting for an amendment to remove the 1099 reporting requirement on transactions greater than $600 that he imposed on us when he voted for Obamacare.

Cutting Red Tape for Small Businesses

Yesterday, I voted to pass an amendment to eliminate a 1099 tax form reporting requirement that was enacted under the federal health care reform law last year. I was an original cosponsor of the amendment, which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced it “strongly supports.”

Melonhead hits the UNDO button on the bad legislation he foisted off on us and we’re supposed to what… thank him? Incidentally, he voted AGAINST the repeal of Obamacare in its entirety on the same day.

Jim Webb. A self made man who quit work too early.

Here are your targets for 2012, Virginia. And yeah, I said TARGETS. Defeating both are top priority.

1 Comment

Posted by on February 3, 2011 in Jim Webb, Obama, Obamacare, politics


Jim Webb: Conscience of a Conformist

Jim Webb campaigned as a war hero and his own man, impervious to pressure from special interests and demands from the political machine.  Although I honor his military service and bravery, much like John McCain, heroic service during war time does not necessarily translate to heroic service in politics.

In spite of the very clear message from his constituents that they wanted no part of TARP, Stimulii, Bailouts, SCHIP, the confirmation of Eric Holder, Cash for Clunkers, Spending Freeze, School vouchers and Obamacare, Webb always surrendered his professed convictions and voted with this guy every single time on the major issues.

Birds of a Feather

But post-election Webb is seeing the handwriting on the wall and he’s doubling back, asserting that he quietly warned leadership that they were treading on thin ice with voters.

“I’ve been warning them,” Webb says, sighing, resting his chin on his hand. “I’ve been having discussions with our leadership ever since I’ve been up here. I decided to run as a Democrat because I happen to strongly believe in Jacksonian democracy. There needs to be one party that very clearly represents the interests of working people … I’m very concerned about the transactional nature of the Democratic Party. Its evolved too strongly into interest groups rather than representing working people, including small business people.”

I recall going to the Code Red Rally against Obamacare at the Senate on Dec. 15th of last year to meet with Webb’s Chief of Staff.  There were 20-30 of us in the hallway in front of his office waiting for our audience, when along ambles Jim Webb reading a document.  When he got about 50 feet away he glanced up, saw us there and did a quick exit into the nearest door.  The courageous Senator wanted no part of facing his constituents then and meekly joined his Party to vote in favor of Obamacare on Christmas Eve.

The time for hiding is over as the 2012 campaign started a week ago tomorrow.  It will do you no good to tell the voters that you were warning your leadership.  That was the time to show the courage of your convictions.  Either you don’t have any or you simply failed.

Update from Pajamas Media:

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), a former Republican, rode a Democratic wave to a narrow victory in 2006, but PPP found Webb trailing former Senator George Allen (R-VA) in a rematch.

This sounds like a set up by the Democrat leaning PPP.  They’d love nothing more than to dance the Macaca again.  Sorry, but George Allen is my last choice to run against Webb.


Gang of 219 revisited

The day after the House of Representatives’ vote on Obamacare I captured information on the Gang of 219 that voted for it as well as their opposition. 

That was back on March 23rd and it was as much therapy as scientific research, but I had convinced myself that it might prove useful in removing each and every one of these arrogant Congresscritters that had voted against the will of the people.

I revisited my old spread sheet tonight now that the primaries are done.  The website Politics1 is an invaluable website for compiling such things, incidentally.

It was dismaying on March 23rd that of those who voted YES, many thought they were safe as they had no opposition at that time.  64 of the Gang of 219 had no opponent.  Today, there are only 12 with no opponent.  I appreciate every one of those people who have stepped up in the face of adversity.  Of those stepping up; a pastry chef, a funeral home owner, a carpenter,  a roofing contractor, multiple medical professionals, and a realtor who happens to have been the former President of the Haitian Senate.

Among those running are 26 candidates who entered the fray after I collected my info back in late March, went up against others who were already running and won their primaries.  Most notable is Daniel Webster, who beat 9 challengers in FL-8 to go up against the Devil, Alan Grayson, probably the most despicable and detestable Congressman in the Gang of 219.  You remember Grayson, right?  Do I have to assemble all of the reprehensible stuff he’s done and said?

I don’t know anything about THIS Daniel Webster, but I’m going to have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Same goes for Joe Walsh and Isaac Hayes in Illinois.  Rock On boys!

There is simply not enough time to research this completely if you’re actually employed.  Any insider info on any of these races would be appreciated. 

All I know is there are 14 of the Gang of 219 who are no longer seeking re-election to their House posts.  Some are running for higher office like Kendrick Meeks, who is opposing Marco Rubio for the Senate, so that means he’ll soon be retired. 

Others, like Bart Stupak realized that their late night dalliances with Barack Obama, has resulted in them being double crossed, exposed as frauds and know that their electoral fortunes have turned to crap.  That’s what they get for their slow dances with a street hustler.

This is a view from 40,000 feet, but I am simply amazed and grateful that so many patriots came out of there comfort zones to try to save their country, for better or worse.

Find your disfavorite incumbent and show some love to the opponent.  I’ll try to use this list to flush out more info over the next few weeks.  All of the reps on the left voted for Obamacare.

Thank you all and God speed.

Updated list….

Representative District Challenger website
Kirkpatrick, Ann Arizona-1 Paul Gosar
Pastor, Ed Arizona-4 Janet Contreras
Mitchell, Harry Arizona-5 David Schweikert (R)
Grijalva, Raúl Arizona-7 Ruth McClung (R)
Giffords, Gabrielle Arizona-8 Jesse Kelly (R)
Snyder, Vic*Joyce Elliott Arkansas-2 Tim Griffin (R)
Thompson, Mike California-1 Loren Hanks
Garamendi, John California-10 Gary Clift
McNerney, Jerry California-11 David Harmer
Speier, Jackie California-12
Mike Moloney
Stark, Pete California-13 Forest Baker
Eshoo, Anna California-14 Dave Chapman
Honda, Mike California-15 Scott Kirkland
Lofgren, Zoe California-16 Edward Gonzalez (Libertarian)
Farr, Sam California-17 Jeff Taylor
Cardoza, Dennis California-18 Mike Berryhill (R)
Costa, Jim California-20 Andy Vidak (R)
Capps, Lois California-23 Tom Watson
Sherman, Brad California-27 Mark Reed
Berman, Howard California-28 Merlin Froyd (R)
Schiff, Adam California-29 John Colbert (R)
Waxman, Henry California-30 Chuck Wilkerson
Becerra, Xavier California-31 Stephen Smith
Chu, Judy California-32 Ed Schmerling
Watson, Diane*Karen Bass California-33 James Andion
Roybal-Allard, Lucille California-34 Wayne Miller
Waters, Maxine California-35 Bruce Brown
Harman, Jane California-36 Mattie Fein (R)
Napolitano, Grace California-38 Robert Vaughan
Sanchez, Linda California-39 Larry Andre (R)
Baca, Joe California-43 Scott Folkens
Sanchez, Loretta California-47 Van Tran (R)
Matsui, Doris California-5 Paul Smith
Filner, Bob California-51 Nick Popaditch (R)
Davis, Susan California-53 Michael Crimmins (R)
Woolsey, Lynn California-6 Jim Judd (R)
Miller, George California-7 Rick Tubbs
Pelosi, Nancy California-8 John Dennis (R)
Lee, Barbara California-9 Gerald Hashimoto
DeGette, Diana Colorado-1 Mike Fallon
Polis, Jared Colorado-2 Stephen Bailey (R)
Salazar, John Colorado-3 Scott Tipton (R)
Markey, Betsy Colorado-4 Cory Gardner (R)
Perlmutter, Ed Colorado-7 Ryan L. Frazier (R)
Larson, John B. Connecticut-1 Ann Brickley
Courtney, Joe Connecticut-2 Janet Peckinpaugh
DeLauro, Rosa Connecticut-3 Jerry Labriola (R)
Himes, Jim Connecticut-4 Dan Debicella (R)
Murphy, Chris Connecticut-5 Sam Caligiuri (R)
Castor, Kathy Florida-11 Mike Prendergast (R)
Meek, Kendrick* Frederica Wilson Florida-17 unopposed  
Boyd, Allen Florida-2 William Steve Southerland, II (R)
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Florida-20 Karen Harrington (R)
Klein, Ron Florida-22 Lt. Col. Allen West
Hastings, Alcee Florida-23 Bernard Sansaricq (R)
Kosmas, Suzanne Florida-24 Sandy Adams (R)
Brown, Corrine Florida-3 Mike Yost
Grayson, Alan Florida-8 Daniel Webster***9 challengers
Scott, David Georgia-13 Mike Crane (breakthrough)
Bishop, Sanford Georgia-2 Mike Keown (R)
Johnson, Hank Georgia-4 Liz Carter (R)
Lewis, John Georgia-5 Fenn Little
Hirono, Mazie Hawaii-2 John Willoughby (R)
Rush, Bobby Illinois-1 Ray Wardingley
Halvorson, Debbie Illinois-11 Adam Kinzinger (R)
Costello, Jerry Illinois-12 Teri Newman (R)
Foster, Bill Illinois-14 Randy Hultgren (R)
Hare, Phil Illinois-17 Bobby Schilling (R)
Jackson Jr., Jesse Illinois-2 Isaac Hayes (R)
Gutiérrez, Luis Illinois-4 Israel Vasquez
Quigley, Mike Illinois-5 David Ratowitz (R)
Davis, Danny Illinois-7 Mark M. Weiman (R)
Bean, Melissa Illinois-8 Joe Walsh (R)
Schakowsky, Jan Illinois-9 Joel Pollak (R)
Visclosky, Pete Indiana-1 Mark Leyva
Donnelly, Joe Indiana-2 Jackie Walorski (R)
Carson, André Indiana-7 Marvin Scott
Ellsworth, Brad*Trent Van Haaften Indiana-8 Larry D. Bucshon (R)
Hill, Baron Indiana-9 Todd Christopher Young (R)
Braley, Bruce Iowa-1 Benjamin Michael Lange (R)
Loebsack, David Iowa-2 Mariannette Jane Miller-Meeks (R)
Boswell, Leonard Iowa-3 Brad Zaun (R)
Moore, Dennis*Stephene Ann Moore Kansas-3 Kevin W. Yoder (R)
Yarmuth, John Kentucky-3 Christopher (Todd) Lally (R)
Pingree, Chellie Maine-1 Dean Scontras
Michaud, Mike Maine-2 Jason Levesque (R)
Ruppersberger, Dutch Maryland-2 unopposed  
Sarbanes, John Maryland-3 Jim Wilhelm
Edwards, Donna Maryland-4 Robert Broaddus
Hoyer, Steny Maryland-5 Charles J. Lollar (R)
Cummings, Elijah Maryland-7 unopposed  
Hollen, Chris Van Maryland-8 unopposed  
Olver, John Massachusetts-1 Bill Gunn (breakthrough)
Delahunt, Bill*William Keating Massachusetts-10 Jeff Perry (R)
Neal, Richard Massachusetts-2 Tom Wesley (R)
McGovern, Jim Massachusetts-3 Marty Lamb
Frank, Barney Massachusetts-4 Sean D. Bielat (R)
Tsongas, Niki Massachusetts-5 Jonathan A. Golnik
Tierney, John Massachusetts-6 Bill Hudak (R)
Markey, Ed Massachusetts-7 Gerry Dembrowski (R)
Capuano, Mike Massachusetts-8 unopposed  
Stupak, Bart*Gary McDowell Michigan-1 Dan Benishek
Levin, Sander Michigan-12 Don Volaric
Kilpatrick, Carolyn Cheeks*Hansen Clarke Michigan-13 John Hauler
Conyers, John Michigan-14 Don Ukrainec
Dingell, John Michigan-15 Robert L. Steele (R)
Kildee, Dale Michigan-5 John Kupiec
Schauer, Mark Michigan-7 Tim Walberg
Peters, Gary Michigan-9 Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski
Walz, Tim Minnesota-1 Randy Demmer
McCollum, Betty Minnesota-4 Teresa Collet
Ellison, Keith Minnesota-5 Joel Demos
Oberstar, Jim Minnesota-8 Chip Cravaack (R)
Thompson, Bennie Mississippi-2 Bill Marcy (breakthrough)
Carnahan, Russ Missouri-3 Edward R. Martin Jr
Cleaver, Emanuel Missouri-5 Jacob Turk (R)
Berkley, Shelley Nevada-1 Kenneth Wegner (breakthrough)
Titus, Dina Nevada-3 Joe Heck (R)
Shea-Porter, Carol New Hampshire-1 Frank Guinta (R)
Hodes, Paul*Ann Kuster New Hampshire-2 Charles Bass (R)
Andrews, Rob New Jersey-1 Dale Glading
Payne, Donald New Jersey-10 Michael Alonso
Holt Jr., Rush New Jersey-12 Scott Sipprelle (R)
Sires, Albio New Jersey-13 Henrietta Dwyer
Pallone, Frank New Jersey-6 Anna Little
Pascrell, Bill New Jersey-8 Roland Straten
Rothman, Steve New Jersey-9 Michael Agosta
Heinrich, Martin New Mexico-1 Jon Barela (R)
Luján, Ben R. New Mexico-3 Thomas E. Mullins (R)
Bishop, Tim New York-1 Randy Altschuler (R)
Towns, Ed New York-10 unopposed  
Clarke, Yvette New York-11 unopposed  
Velázquez, Nydia New York-12 unopposed  
Maloney, Carolyn New York-14 Ryan Brumberg
Rangel, Charles New York-15 Michel Faulkner (R)
Serrano, José New York-16 unopposed  
Engel, Eliot New York-17 York Kleinhandler
Lowey, Nita New York-18 Jim Russell
Hall, John New York-19 Nan Hayworth
Israel, Steve New York-2 John Gomez
Murphy, Scott New York-20 Chris Gibson
Tonko, Paul New York-21 Ted Danz
Hinchey, Maurice New York-22 George K Phillips (R)
Owens, Bill New York-23 Doug Hoffman (3)
    Matt Doheny
Maffei, Dan New York-25 Ann Marie Buerkle (R)
Higgins, Brian New York-27 Lenny Roberto
Slaughter, Louise New York-28 Jill Rowland
McCarthy, Carolyn New York-4 Fran Becker
Ackerman, Gary New York-5 James Milano
Meeks, Gregory New York-6 Asher Taub
Crowley, Joseph New York-7 unopposed  
Nadler, Jerrold New York-8 Susan Kone
Weiner, Anthony New York-9 Bob Turner
Butterfield, G. K. North Carolina-1 Ashley Woolard (R)
Watt, Mel North Carolina-12 Scott Cumbie
Miller, Brad North Carolina-13 Bill Randall (R)
Etheridge, Bob North Carolina-2 Renee Ellmers (R)
Price, David North Carolina-4 B.J. Lawson
Pomeroy, Earl North Dakota-At Large Rick Berg (R)
Driehaus, Steve Ohio-1 Steve Chabot (R)
Kucinich, Dennis Ohio-10 Peter J. Corrigan (R)
Fudge, Marcia Ohio-11 unopposed  
Sutton, Betty Ohio-13 Tom Ganley (breakthrough)
Kilroy, Mary Jo Ohio-15 Steve Stivers (R)
Boccieri, John Ohio-16 James B. Renacci (R)
Ryan, Tim Ohio-17 Jim Graham
Wilson, Charlie Ohio-6 Bill Johnson
Kaptur, Marcy Ohio-9 Rich Iott (I)
Wu, David Oregon-1 Robert Cornilles (R)
Blumenauer, Earl Oregon-3 Delia Lopez
DeFazio, Peter Oregon-4 Art Robinson
Schrader, Kurt Oregon-5 Scott Bruun (R)
Brady, Bob Pennsylvania-1 Pia Varma (R)
Carney, Chris Pennsylvania-10 Tom Marino (R)
Kanjorski, Paul Pennsylvania-11 Louis J Barletta (R)
Schwartz, Allyson Pennsylvania-13 Carson Dee Adcock (R)
Doyle, Mike Pennsylvania-14 Melissa Haluszczak (R)
Fattah, Chaka Pennsylvania-2 Rick Hellberg
Sestak, Joe*Bryan Lentz Pennsylvania-7 Pat Meehan
Murphy, Patrick Pennsylvania-8 Michael G Fitzpatrick (R)
Kennedy, Patrick*David Cicilline Rhode Island-1 John J. Loughlin II (R)
Langevin, Jim Rhode Island-2 Mark S Zaccaria (R)
Spratt, John South Carolina-5 John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney (R)
Clyburn, Jim South Carolina-6 Jim Spratt
Cooper, Jim Tennessee-5 David Hall
Gordon, Bart*Brett Carter Tennessee-6 Diane Lynn Black (R)
Cohen, Steve Tennessee-9 Charlotte Bergmann
Hinojosa, Rubén Texas-15 Edward Zamora Jr (R)
Reyes, Silvestre Texas-16 Tim Besco (R)
Jackson-Lee, Sheila Texas-18 John M Faulk (R)
Gonzalez, Charlie Texas-20 Clayton Trotter (R)
Rodriguez, Ciro Texas-23 Francisco Canseco (R)
Doggett, Lloyd Texas-25 Donna Campbell (R)
Ortiz, Solomon Texas-27 Randolph Blake Farenthold
Cuellar, Henry Texas-28 Bryan Keith Underwood (R)
Green, Gene Texas-29 Roy Morales, Jr (R)
Johnson, Eddie Bernice Texas-30 Stephen Edward Broden (R)
Green, Al Texas-9 Steve Mueller (R)  
Welch, Peter Vermont-At Large Paul Beaudry
Connolly, Gerry Virginia-11 Keith Fimian
Scott, Robert Virginia-3 Chuck Smith
Perriello, Tom Virginia-5 Robert Hurt
Moran, Jim Virginia-8 Patrick Murray
Inslee, Jay Washington-1 James Watkins (R)
Larsen, Rick Washington-2 John Koster
Baird, Brian*Dennis Heck Washington-3 Jaime Herrera (R)
Dicks, Norm Washington-6 Doug Cloud
McDermott, Jim Washington-7 unopposed  
Smith, Adam Washington-9 Dick Muri (R)
Mollohan, Alan*Mike Oliverio West Virginia-1 David B. McKinley (R)
Rahall, Nick West Virginia-3 Spike Maynard
Baldwin, Tammy Wisconsin-2 Chad Lee (R)
Kind, Ron Wisconsin-3 Dan Kapanke (R)
Moore, Gwen Wisconsin-4 Dan Sebring (R)
Obey, Dave*Julie Lassa Wisconsin-7 Sean P. Duffy
Kagen, Steve Wisconsin-8 Reid Ribble (R)

Hey! Virginia has its own NATIONAL TREASURE too

This is a Cowboys/Redskins rivalry not seen since the Redskins actually had a football team, but I digress.

Virginia Congressman Jim Moran, just like Sheila Jackson Lee, is equally a NATIONAL TREASURE. 

Behold Jason Mattera asking Moron about a miserly $12 Million of Stimulus money going to Virginia’s 12th district.  Problem is, there is no 12th District in Virginia.  Notice Moron’s handlers.  They have the double duty of keeping Jason away from the Congressman AND since Jimbo has a reputation as a hot head prone towards resorting to violence, keeping the Congressman away from Mattera. 

Here’s Moron and uber douche libtard Ed Schultz about the violence being perpetrated by the Tea Party patriots.

And of course Jimbo’s love of class envy and redistribution of wealth.  You know that ‘unsustainable’ model where people keep what they earn, Moron is here to fix all of that.

So, Texas.  Virginia throws down the gauntlet.  You all don’t own Stupid just because you have Sheila Jackson Lee.  We see your Lee and raise you a Jim Moran.  How do you like that?

Incidentally.  We do have a great candidate in Patrick Murray who is running against this miserable waste of a carbon footprint in Virgnina 8.  Tell you what, if you help Patrick beat Jim Moran we’ll help John Faulk defeat SJL.  Deal?


This was all tongue and cheek, but seriously, won’t you join me in contributing to the candidacies of both of these  challengers?   Murray was a tank commander for the Army and it will require heavy bombardment to remove the detestable Moran from office.  Faulk also served his country and is an accountant by trade, someone who has a clue about responsible fiscal stewardship, something desperately needed in this feckless government.

Another Update

It has become apparent that several members of Congress seem hell bent to shut off our domestic oil supply, but they’re not content there.  Now some wish to stymie Canada’s supply to the U.S. by killing a pipeline from the Canucks to us. 

Norm Leahy at Tertium Quids reveals the details.  I told you that this is a heated competition for the title of Ultimate NATIONAL TREASURE, but Jim Moran is a signatory to this stoopid legislation.  And even though most of the signatures are illegible, meaning that Sheila Jackson Lee might well have participated, Jim Moran must have been sober that day and has wonderful penmanship.  Looking at the signatories Sheila Jackson Lee might have signed off.  Is her signature at the bottom left of Page 4, maybe top left of Page 5?  Look at the pages and you tell me because I just don’t have a clue.  

If she’s not there it’s Plus One for Virginia in the NT competition.


Statistics can be so dull

This pitiful graph from Gallup just needed a little jazzing up so I fixed it for them…

I would have used Nancy Pelosi but that would require an image of her in a bathing suit.  I’m cruel, but I’m not totally heartless. 

When asked about the miserable ratings of Congress, her majesty uttered something unintelligible about eating cake.  

The Gallup numbers are very encouraging when asked ‘How much confidence do you have in the following:’

Obama has gone from 51% to 36% in a little over a year.  That’s a minus FIFTEEN, your excellency! 

Or to put it another way…


That bears repeating, so I will.


Sorry, but I just can’t help myself.  Did I mention that Obama’s confidence numbers have gone down this much in a year?


There is disgruntlement in general across many institutions, but amazingly, there were some sectors that did actually GAIN in confidence over the year:

Medical System +4

Big Business +3

The Military is Still Numero Uno in inspiring confidence.