Category Archives: Tim Kaine

Americans for Prosperity hitting the road to rally Virginians to “Tell Tim Kaine His Policies Hurt Virginia!”

Next Week, Virginians will have an opportunity to send former part-time Governor Tim Kaine a message!

Americans for Prosperity will be rallying with fellow Virginia patriots to tell Tim Kaine that his policies do nothing to create jobs, end wasteful spending or reduce the size of government. Americans for Prosperity, a grassroots organization of citizen leaders working together to protect and advance the individual right to economic freedom, is launching “Real Facts.  Real Solutions: Tell Tim Kaine His Policies Hurt Virginia!” bus tour.

AFP President Tim Phillips, AFP VP Tracy Henke, Dick Morris, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Kate Obenshain, Tony Katz and other local patriots are setting out next week, June 27th-30th, to rally with fellow patriots to tell Tim Kaine that his policies do nothing to create jobs, end wasteful spending or reduce the size of government. former Governor Tim Kaine’s policies hurt Virginia’s families, saddling the state with debt and proposing higher taxes.

AFP state director Audrey Jackson reminds us that;

Kaine supported government-run health care, and he supported a billion dollars in tax increases. When Governor in 2005 he inherited a $1.2 billion surplus, yet he left Virginians with a $4.2 billion budget shortfall when he left office.  In addition, he increased Virginia’s debt by nearly 50% and he continues to stand by President Obama’s failed policies. Virginia can’t afford more of these disastrous policies. Join us in telling Tim Kaine that his policies hurt Virginia!

The following are a list of locations for each of our rallies:

June 27:

Fairfax Rally 6:30pm Exit Advantage Realty, (11130 Fairfax Boulevard, Fairfax, VA)(intersection of 50 & 7)


Audrey Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Tracy Henke, AFP Executive Vice President

Julie Williams, AFP Activist and Tea Party Member

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show, contributor to, Daily Caller and

June 28:

Roanoke Rally 9:30am Roanoke Civic Center Parking Lot (parking lot A), (710 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA)


Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Gregory Honeycutt, Roanoke Tea Party chair Tracy Henke, AFP Executive Vice President

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show, contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Ken Cuccinelli (T), Attorney General of Virginia

Lynchburg Rally  12:30pm Wyndhurst Park (117 Tradewynd Drive, Lynchburg, VA)


Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

George Caylor, AFP Activist

Tracy Henke, AFP Executive Vice President

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show, contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Click here to RSVP:

Harrisonburg Rally 5:30pm at Courthouse Square (Main Street)


Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Donna Moser, Rockingham County Tea Party Chair

Tracy Henke, AFP Executive Vice President

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show, contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

June 29:

VA Beach Rally 9:30am ( 505 South Independence Boulevard, Suite 201, Virginia Beach, VA)


Audrey Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Tim Phillips, AFP President

Waverly Woods, Hampton Roads Tea Party Chair

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show and contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Kate Obenshain,  President of Young Americas Foundation and Fox News Contributor

Richmond Rally at 1:00pm Poe’s Pub, (2706 E Main Street, Richmond, VA)


Audrey Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Tim Phillips, AFP President

Gary Baugh, Mechanicsville Tea Party Chair

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show and contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Kate Obenshain,  President of Young Americas Foundation and Fox News Contributor

***Note: Parking is located on Main St, Pear St. 25th & 26th streets.

Prince William County Rally  6:30pm  L&B Pizzeria (5401 Mapledale Place, Woodbridge, VA)


Audrey Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Tim Phillips, AFP President

Tito Munoz, AFP Activist and Businessman

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show and contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Kate Obenshain,  President of Young Americas Foundation and Fox News Contributor

Dick Morris, Writer and Fox News Contributor

Click here to

June 30:

Loudoun 10:00am  Hampton Inn (22700 Holiday Park Drive, Sterling, VA)


Audrey Jackson, AFP-VA State Director

Tim Phillips, AFP President

John Jaggers, Loudoun County Tea Party Chair

Tony Katz, Host of the Tony Katz Show and contributor to Breitbart.comDaily Caller

Kate Obenshain,  President of Young Americas Foundation and Fox News Contributor

Dick Morris, Writer and Fox News Contributor


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Posted by on June 22, 2012 in politics, Tim Kaine


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Why Obama Will Lose in a Landslide

This was sent to my by a friend.  A Las Vegas odds maker breaks it down by the numbers.  I concur with his analysis.

Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats….

…First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient- common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain 4 years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama 4 years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now- and that is a bad harbinger.

Wayne Allyn Root does a great job of breaking this race down, voting block by voting block.  Obama has lost support amongst Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Women, Youth, etc. etc.

He’s predicting a disaster for Obama.  I’m merely hoping and praying for one.

Go read it.  It’ll put a spring in your step and steel your resolve.

Also bear in mind that the winner of the Presidential race will bring down ticket candidates across the finish line with him.  Senators and Congress Critters are inexorably linked or not linked to the preezie, like it or not.

For instance, if Obama loses Virginia, which is highly probable, Timmy Kaine will go down with him in the Senate race.  That Timmy Kaine is an Obama puppet makes Timmy extremely vulnerable.


Tim Kaine to Virginia, Screw you “I am doing what the president wants me to do”


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Posted by on February 16, 2012 in Obama, politics, Tim Kaine


Tim Kaine – No Great Achievements

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is asking voters to call Tim Kaine and ask him why he supports the job-killing Obamacare legislation which will cost Virginians 2.2 billion dollars.

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Posted by on February 14, 2012 in Obamacare, politics, Tim Kaine


Occupy Unmasked

This spring, Citizens United will be releasing a new movie called ‘Occupy Unmasked’, which will blow the lid off of Barack Obama’s Goon Squad, which he unleashed against CPAC over the last two days.  Working with Andrew Breitbart, Steve Bannon, and two reformed leftists, Brandon Darby and Lee Stranahan, the very heart of the Occupy/ACORN movement and it’s direct ties to this thug president will be exposed to the nation.

They are describing the feel of this project as a War Movie and after witnessing what happened at CPAC I think they’re spot on.

Watch the trailer and discussion.

Part One

Part Two

These are very dangerous and evil people.  They disrupted CPAC several times like good little totalitarians, unsuccessfully trying to stifle our 1st amendment rights.

The campaign to re-elect this president will be one of the most violent, if not the most violent, in American history.  Know your enemy.

P.S.  I will sift through the rest of my videos to find and put up how the ACORN/Occupy movement is organized into teams as described by Brandon Darby.  The anarchist left has been organizing for decades, which sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s true.  We conservatives are woefully unprepared and somewhat ignorant about what is headed our way.  Obama and his anarchist, leftist buddies are a threat to the Republic.



It’s Fun to Reveal a Dunce

It’s not hard work.  It’s just fun.  Especially when the dunce is a willing contributor.


If George Allen wants to anger a vast swath of the Republican base, he’ll participate in the Associated Press debate

That AP is hosting a debate between Virginia Senate candidates George Allen and Tim Kaine this Pearl Harbor Day, 7 months before the Republicans and Democrats hold their primaries, can mean only one thing.  The AP is attempting to select the people’s candidates for them.  The people of Virginia are in no mood to be manipulated by a conniving press organization like AP and if anybody should recognize that the press is not to be trusted and not a friend of Republicans in general, one would think that George Allen would be that person.  It’s not like he hasn’t been burned in the past by this Democrat media complex.

That both accepted the invitation, to the exclusion of viable challengers on both sides reveals a sense of entitlement and arrogance that may serve both men poorly.  AP claims that none of the other challengers are polling at the abitrary threshhold of 15%, but as we’ve just witnessed during the Republican Presidential primary process, polls can swing precipitously as the result of the debate process.  Just ask Newt, Herman, and Rick Perry.

On the Republican side Tim Donner, Jamie Radtke and Bishop E. W. Jackson, to name but a few, are challengers to the Senator who went down to Mark Warner in 2006.

The Republican Party of Virginia has announced 3 ‘all comers’ primary debates to be held in the Spring. That was a very good move and it negated any validity this AP debate once had.

If George Allen was smart, and I’m not saying that he is or isn’t, he would drop out of this travesty and concentrate on his debate performances this Spring.  To do anything other than that would smack of elitism.  To piss off a large part of the base would not only hurt him, but has large up ticket implications and we can ill afford to suppress GOP turnout next November.  There is simply too much at stake.

Drop out, George.  For the good of the process.

As for Tim Kaine…do what you want.  We already know you’re an elitist.


Richmond Tea Party: City Leaders endorse anarchy.

Eric McGrane, President of the Richmond Tea Party, just asserted to me that laws should be universal, applying to all groups equally, but the fact that RTP has well documented issues requiring compliance and expenditures somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 that were forced upon the group over the last three Tea Party events in Richmond shows that all laws do NOT apply equally.

“The fact that they are not and the fact that mayor Jones refuses to enforce the law and choses to empathize with the OWS movement shows that city leadership endorses anarchy over lawfulness in Richmond.”, said McGrane.

I remember the mounting requirements and impediments as we planned the first Richmond Tea Party.  At first we were told that as long as the first event was mobile, i.e., not stationary, that no permit was required.  Once it was determined that our Richmond Tea Party group was too large to unleash on the streets of Richmond we complied with every single demand from the city, including acquiring a Special Events permit, a million dollar liability policy, spending for police security, a medical emergency team, portable toilets, vendor licenses and a myriad of other obstacles.

McGrane stresses that Richmond Tea Party maintains a good working relationship with the various departments, including parks and recreations, and the police, but their beef is with the mayor and city leadership that penalizes a law abiding organization like Richmond Tea Party, but gives a pass to the anarchists, communists, socialists, and community organizers from the Occupy movement.

A refund for the over $8,000 in expenses incurred over the last 3 RTP events is justified and appropriate.

One last point.  The Governor that sat in the Richmond capital in 2009 was former DNC Chair and Senate Candidate Tim Kaine.  Nothing that happens in the capital city goes without the notice and approval of the Governor.  Did Tim Kaine advise that the mayor erect such roadblocks?  Just curious.


The Incredible Power of George Allen

Former Senator George Allen, a man that holds no elected office, apparently still has a vote in Congress according to the Tim Kaine campaign.  Here is an excerpt from an email I just received from the failed Governor and DNC Chairman’s Senate campaign:

According to the Associated Press, “the government’s main disaster relief fund is on track to run dry” by next week — so I wanted to make sure you saw Governor Kaine’s message about the need to pressure Congress to stop with the political gamesmanship and approve emergency funding immediately.  

In Louisa County, Virginia, alone, last month’s earthquake caused more damage than the entire non-capital county budget for 2011-2012.  Now high school and middle school students can only attend classes two or three days per week because there aren’t enough functioning classrooms.  

Fortunately, the Senate passed bipartisan legislation last week to fund disaster relief efforts.  But George Allen, Eric Cantor, and the Tea Partiers in the House of Representatives are holding funding hostage.  These are the same folks who voted for two wars and tax cuts for millionaires without paying for any of it – and now they’re insisting on enacting more spending cuts before they’ll appropriate money to help those impacted by natural disasters.

I have not yet taken sides in the Republican primary for Senate, but any unelected person who can still wield a vote in Congress is a person of super human ability and bears consideration.  Can George Allen also bend spoons with his mind?  You decide.

Oh, and I won’t even quibble about the ‘two wars’ part of the email.

Yes I will.  Hey Timmy, don’t forget about Obama’s adventurism in Libya.  That’s 3 wars.



Two Virginia Counties make CNN/Money’s Top 25 Job Creators…

And Timmy Kaine rushes in to try to take credit for it.

“I want to congratulate Loudoun and Prince William on earning the distinction as two of the top 25 locations in the nation for job growth. As CNN highlights, these counties maintained and even improved their status despite a tough economy through smart fiscal decisions that protected their credit ratings and strategic investments in areas like infrastructure that created jobs. This balanced approach of fiscal restraint combined with investments to spur job growth helped me, as Virginia’s Governor, recruit new companies to the Commonwealth and maintain our reputation as the best state for business.”

Mind you, he hasn’t been Governor for a year and a half.  And he was a part-time Governor for the last year of his regime, acting concurrently as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

No, Tim.  You may not rush in to take credit for something that the Counties did themselves.

One last point.  Both of these counties are within commuting distance to the national Capitol, therefore it is highly likely that many of the jobs that were created have something to do with the exponential growth of the national government, either directly or indirectly.  Federal jobs, federal contracts and suppliers undoubtedly play a large role in these counties’ success, so the award has dubious underpinnings. 

But, that having been said, congratulations anyway.