Debt Ceiling Vote Expected Wednesday. Tea Party Express announces ‘Hold the Line Rally’ at High Noon.

25 Jul

Politicians heard from us throughout 2009 and 2010.  They especially heard from us last November, but since then we’ve heard President Scoldbama ad nauseum and will do so again tonight.  We’ve heard from Boehner and Cantor.  We’ve heard from Reid, Pelosi and Schumer.  We’ve heard from the talking heads on both sides.

But they haven’t really heard from us for a while.  At least not as a group.

I was just wondering when we were going to reassemble in DC to let our presence be known.

It’s on.

Here’s the Flyer if you want more info.


It’s tough to get off of work, especially with such little notice.  But it’s important that they see us and hear us during this process.  If you can make it that’d be fantastic.  I’m on the bubble, myself, but leaning heavily towards attending.  Will talk to the bossman tomorrow morning about it.

Time to think up a protest sign design.

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Posted by on July 25, 2011 in politics


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